Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Where am I called

After I returned from Haiti, I wasn't sure If God was calling me to become a Sister or a Missionary. I needed time to let everything process. After a week being home I'm almost positive I'm called to be a missionary sister. Well I met with my SD 2 days after I had been home after I wasn't sure at all where God wanted me, she said to make a list of the Pro's and Con's of both.


life-time vows
being called sister
learning a new language
helping people
meeting new people
learning about different cultures
living a simple life

Away from family & friends
dealing with possible disease


helping people
learning a new language
learning new cultures

being away from home


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Haiti: Where I left part of my Heart

Aug. 9th 2012

   Today I left for Haiti, a place I wanted to go for years. The night before I left went to bed at 9am because i was gonna get up at 4am, so I could shower, eat breakfast and make sure I had everything. Dad drove me to the airport and mom came with and Sara got up to say goodbye. When I arrived at the airport Ralph was already there and then the others started to come.We had three different flights that we needed to take.
    We finally arrived in Haiti and it was kinda crazy to say the least. We went through customs, which wasn't too bad except a lady skipped in front of a bunch of us. Then we had to get our luggage which was fun because there was so many people. The most crazy part was leaving after you had your luggage. There is tons of men wanting to help with your luggage and they want to help you so much. When we got to our van the luggage went in and then we all squeezed in. My first drive in Haiti is nothing like you will experience in the states. They drive fast and alot of honking horns. You really have to hold on when in a car. I noticed alot my first drive in Haiti you seeing people trying to see stuff and lots of people walking. For those people walking they have to move out of the way when a car is coming. On a drive to the mission house, we had stopped for a minute and this little boy had jumped on the back of the van asking for money. The we started to drive again and it wasn't slow either it was fast. I would saw that he scared all of us and then all of a sudden he jumped off in middle of traffic. I was scared for his life, thank God the car behind us could stop. When we got to the mission house we took everything upstairs and choose our beds. We later went downstairs and met all the staff. At the mission they had a porch with a beautiful view and some beautiful flowers. At dinner I didn't feel to hungry, but i guess i was because i ate the very good eggplant casserole.

Aug 10th 2012

Today is our first full day in Haiti and its pretty exciting. But it was also a very diffacult day and parts we very overwhelming. First we went to a clinic and was given a tour. They treat women at the clinic, after that we went for a walk. It wasn't any normal walk the we took, we took a walk in the poorest neighborhood. We walked down this big hill and it was a dirt road and very rocky. Which wasn't alot of work down, but up it was alot more work. But in all in all it wasn't that bad i walked it one day. The people of Haiti walk it everyday many times a day. We then walked down a hill to see the way the poorest people live. It was very hard to see, they live in houses that are so small and that have doors. It was heart- breaking to see but farther down you could see children having fun playing and laughing.

  Then we went on to visit Madam Sum Sum this lady is amazing and I feel in love with her. She feeds the kids in her neighborhood for many of these kids this will be the only meal they will get. These kids were so sweet before they ate and were waiting for the food to be made, they sang to us. Then we sang to them, we weren't as good though. I can't even describe into words how beautiful the singing is. When the food was ready we were able to help hand it out. I loved that part of it almost like we were helping just alittle bit. The children are the fces i will never forget. Considering these kids live in poverity you would never have guessed it. The kids are pretty happy they were laughing alot, which just made me so happy. We then said goodbye to the children and then kissed Madam Sum Sum goodbye.

Madam Sum Sum Children                

  We then headed back to the mission house. When we got back to the mission house, we had a speaker and her name was Mary. She talked about how they help people and how they can get loans. Also alot of people is Haiti don't know how to read or write. After she left we went to sit on the porch. It was so BEAUTIFUL out and there was a nice breeze.

Aug 11th 2012

Today was shopping day :) we went to this Co- Op, most of us did shopping for family, friends and sponsors. This place has some of those most beautiful things. We then visited a metal shop the things there were so nice. I didn't buy anything from there.

We did some driving and saw some sad things, that I can't even imagine and is hard to put into words. I saw people living in tents, it broke my heart t see people living like that. We also saw a Cathedeal and a Palace that were totally destroyed from the earthquake.

Aug 12, 2012

I was pretty excited when I found we were going to experience going to mass in Haiti. We had to get up early and by early I mean 4:30am, because mass started early. When we got into church, my first impression was how beautiful. They prayed the rosary before mass, which sounded so beautiful. When mass started the choir came in singing so beautiful. Its hard to describe into words, but its almost like what you would hear in  heaven. Then later on during mass 4 little girls started to dance. Its was so beautiful and I began to cry. The choir sang so beautiful that I wanted to take them home with me.

Later that night we went out for dinner, they  had a beautiful shandalar that had silverware hanging from it. We were treated to a nice treat, while in the restaurant a man was playing the saxaphone and he came to each table.

Aug 13th 2012

Just like every morning we got up early and ate breakfast. We had some free time before we had to leave, so we all went on the porch it was the coolest part of the house. Then it was time to go and I was very excited, I love children. They are the most honest and the most loving. I love children they are such gifts from God. We first visited Paula's girls, hen we first got there we sat down and they talked about the girls. We then got to see where these precious girls slept. I feel in love with these little girls. Becky had a girl grab her by the had and they sat togather, the girls started becky started to cry. The little started to rub Becky's arm so sweet. We then sang to them we sang, Do your ears hang low. After we sang they then sang it to us. After that we sang it togather that was one of the best parts. After that each of the girls gave each of us women a purse that was hand maid. I'm so pud of my purse its such a nice treasure to have. The last thing we did when visiting this place was a clinic for women and children

Where the girls sleep

Becky and her new friend (in the white)

The girls

Then we went to lunch, after lunch we drove up to the mountain. It was quite a bumping ride. The mountain is quite breathtaking and can't even put into words. You can truely see what God created.

We were all seated there and this little girl came up and gave each of us a kiss. We were given a tour of the place, while on the tour we saw 2 little boys and they both shook our hands. We then went outside where most of the kids were. We were then greeted by the kids by a kiss. One of the little boys who shook our hand just stole my heart. Also there was a little girl who stole my heart, I helped her open the bubbles.


Girl I helped with the bubbles

Aug 18th 2012

After Haiti, once I git I wanted to tell everyone about the beautiful country and it's people. Now that I'm back I miss Haiti and I want to go back. One thing I'm trying to figure out is if I'm meant to be a sister or not. But the question I find asking myself how can I help them.