To be a nun or not
I know some people may think I maybe crazy, because of the life I feel like I'm willing to live. I feel that God has a plan for each of us and sometimes it's not the life that we dreamed of living. But sometimes he has better things in store for you. I feel in my heart that Jesus has chosen me to be his bride. Even though sometimes I question him asking him why? But when I pray I get comfort. Jesus is telling me to be patience and not to be afraid. I have learned alot so far and I even have an order picked out. I have learned alot about it and read alot :). I love how it seems like they are a family.
Saint Therese of Lisieux
I learned about St. Theresa from a young age and I always found her to be interesting. I loved reading about her. Well now as an adult I find her to be even more interesting and she had lots of courage. The one amazing things is that all of the girls in the family had became sisters. They also lived an amazing life.....
Praying has been a big part of life, but i spend alot of time praying most recently. Prayer can be an amazing thing and often times it gives people comfort. In my time in prayer I spend it asking Jesus if this what he wants from me.I alsi pray for my friends one for sure is Mary and my bestie Megan that everything is ok with her health. My family also, my brother for sure but I'm putting this in God's hands.
I say go for it. It seems like you would be extra happy, and I feel you should do what makes you happy. It doesn't matter what thinkg, it's not our life. Only you can live it and make decisions like that. But Ican say that everyone you know wants nothing more than for you to be happy!! I love you!
Thanks Cherelle Love you too!
I've been thinking about this a lot and trying to find the right response that is both respectful and meaningful while providing a constructive and honest opinion.
I wish this article provided more information as to how you came to this decision. Is it simply because you are unsatisfied with what you are doing now? It's good that you recognize it and are trying to make a change, but sometimes the plunge is into a shallow pool. It bothers me to hear you say that you want to be God's bride. While I understand that is what it means to be a nun, where is that feeling really originating from? Is your biological clock ringing?
The majority of people feel comfort in the Word of the Lord and are inspired by Him. However..... this is where it gets sticky.....that doesn't mean that they all ought to go run out and be a nun. It's cool that you like St. Therese. I like submariners, but I'm not joining the Navy.
I guess if there is anything to be said it is that it's not like joining the military where they won't let you change your mind and say I don't like it and want to go home.
Why don't you start with other small devotional acts. Begin to become more active in your church by trying to teach there. Sign up for religious studies classes at college. Or if you want to try to live like a nun, give up facebook, alcohol, cell phones, sinful thoughts and actions, television etc. Try it on like a cheap ring first before you go buy the diamond.
I really hate to come off like a downer, bitch or insensitive. I am just not fake. I feel like friends that are too close are going to say yes to whatever whim you have as well as members of the church will always push you towards their institution. There has to be someone you can talk to, but my answer to you is no, I do not think you should become a nun. What about Tim who used to work in hardware/receiving. I perceive him as being very active in his church. Maybe he could also talk to you as a objective outsider. I see you didn't send this to any male friends.
Again, I apologise for being the "Simon Cowell" of lifestyle changes, but don't ask me if you don't want an honest answer.
Just so you know know I do teach relegion classes at my church and I'm involved in other church activities. It's not like i decided to do this today. It's a long process
I can tell you sound angry, so, do what you want.
My dear Joan,
I’ve been thinking about this post and the subsequent responses for a while too. And in response to some comments from whoever 4leafclover1342 is, I would like to propose some other ways of addressing good points that were brought up. I did find her post to be quite honest however, at times, it seemed to miss the mark on the ‘respectful and constructive’ goals it had originally intended…
My thoughts in general…
I wanted to say to you, how glad that I am that you are taking time to discern where God is leading you in your life. As a young adult, one of the greatest gifts you can offer yourself, society, and God himself, is considering seriously the question of what God might have in store for you :) In considering any question, as such, you will find the answers, “Yes,” “Not right now,” or “I have something better for you.” Allow yourself openness to all three as you journey ahead.
I have felt very blessed to know you, and as time has passed, to become a companion on the journey of your life’s discernment, and to have you as a companion on mine ☺ I will continue, as I have been to remember you in prayer, and hope that you continue to feel open and welcome to engage me in all that ensues along the way – but remember, Jesus, as fully human and divine, will always be your best and most faithful companion, as we as humans will only be able to try our best to be who and do all that we are called to in this world.
My reaction to some ideas and comments from the referenced post…
I think that with good reason, she asked some meaningful questions, in trying to understand your decision, as well as challenge you to think about or see things from a perspective you might not have considered. Your response to her comment shows that in some cases, you’ve considered or tried, the very things suggested (prayer, involvement at church, etc.) to gain more direction/clartiy.
I think that the question about where the origin of your considering religious life/being a sister came from, was a valid question. What saddened me, was the way that it was suggested that you just aren’t happy with your life. I would reference early posts where you’ve explored the idea that you feel called to something “more,” or different, and I am 100% in favor of exploring such an inclination because that kind of feeling comes from somewhere. I’m sorry to hear that your draw to be “God’s bride” bothered her, but I’m sorrier that a person would tell you that it bothers them. …I’m not quite sure your best interest is in question here, but instead whether or not she believes that religious life is worth considering – which …I’ll address in the next paragraph.
Yes, a lot of people feel comfort in the Word…I would venture to say all Christians do – at least anyone that’s actually put consideration into saying they are “Christian” would. And yes, ….it does get sticky – actually life is sticky, especially when one considers what their life purpose is, and struggles to discern that amidst things in life that grant self/instant gratification, or that originate in anyway from what st. Ignatius would call the “evil spirit” and believe it or not…at times, we are drawn away from the very thing we desire because of the evil spirit (which can be manifested in our own thoughts, other people, etc.), but when open and detached, – God will ALWAYS intervenes (there’s a reminder to pray, more than anything, that God reveal to you His plan for you). So the point -“that doesn’t mean that they all ought to go run out and be a nun,” is really very true. “They all” shouldn’t…that’s the reason that we need to discern our call in the first place, it’s because we’re all called to love and live out God’s message in different ways. So, though everyone isn’t mean to be a nun, some people are – I’m not quite sure, whoever this person is, that she believes that anyone is meant to be a nun.
(Cont'd) If they she does, then she should grant you the permission (which you have anyways) to continue your discernment because really haven’t made a choice yet …and can’t make a choice given the stage you’re at, and you really won’t make a final decision for many years, as the process is really quite a long one (of many years of prayer, discernment, and growth in your own life).
If she doesn’t believe that anyone is called legitimately to be a nun…then well….they can’t help you discern something they don’t believe one might be called to in the first place, can she?
And no, not all people that like submarines join the Navy…but some do. And she’s right, it’s not like joining the military (so I don’t know why she chose that example), but it’s like any life-long choice of commitment – it takes time. Time to get into and believe it or not…time to change your mind. So, where she’s wrong, is that you can always change your mind, at least until you’ve made final vows (which in most congregations takes a good 5-10 years). OR even if you were to make final vows with a community – let’s be honest – we’re in constant discernment of where God calls us NOW…so if we truly discern well that God is calling us to something….being drawn later to something different…isn’t exactly bad or mean that we even made the wrong choice. …actually….I don’t really think we can put God and what he does or doesn’t lead people to into neat boxes…
Next. I do not know how well this person knows you…but from what you’ve shared with me, you’ve started right where she suggests – with smaller devotional acts, being active at church, etc.. So …not sure what she's expecting. In regards to “trying it on like a cheap ring,” again…the process will give you plenty of time to do that. As I’ve mentioned it takes MANY years of discernment and growth as a person and with a community before you would ever need to “buy the diamond.” Unfortunately, I’m equating discerning a life commitment to buying an expensive ring….
Next, if one is apologizing for coming off like a downer or a bitch…I wonder if a comment that was supposed to be respectful and constructive – which both have a positive connotation – should have been posted, as many of the questions and comments posed to you during a very important time in your life were mentioned in a very negative, condescending, disbelieving way. Secondly I disagree that close friends will tell just encourage you know matter what you want. I have many close friends who, at times when I most needed advice, offered me the feedback I needed to hear rather than what I wanted to hear, and as you continue in your discernment, I think that you’ll find that your very closest friends will support you even if they don’t agree with you, but they’ll encourage the process and time needed to make such an important choice and will be honest with you along the way. Also, I don’t think that any ONE person will be able to help you make a choice, so I hope that you’re open to hearing what everyone has to say because it all will challenge you to look inside yourself, go to God in prayer, to discover whatever, wherever and whoever you feel called to be in this life.
I will repeat that whoever she is…has made many valid points, but I hope that more than anything, it’s helped you to dig deeper into the question than upset you. And, it is very true that there are many people that are involved in church and do not feel called to religious life. That’s why they’ve chosen the life they have. But I think you shouldn’t hold yourself to any particular standard, because you are unique, and as such, need to discover what that means for you. And actually, Tim might help for an objective opinion…and yes, other males, too. You have mentioned Zach a lot, so it sounds like some males know what you’re thinking about.
(Cont'd) As you continue to “talk/share” about your life, you’ll receive ALL KINDS of feedback, but in the end, the decision is yours, and it’s between you and God - that’s the beauty in it all!
I will continue to keep you in my prayers in a special way, especially for your times of prayer and openness to all things, both what you’re considering and the possibility that God might be drawing somewhere else – that’s all part of the process! Happy discerning!! :)
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